Opening hours

Know how and where to inform yourself in case of doubts

Chapel of Pereiras

Chapel of Pereiras

Largo Delfim Guimarães - 4990-052 Ponte de Lima

GPS Coordinates:
41° 46' 7,68" N - 8° 34' 56,639" W

Opening Hours:
Tuesday to Sunday: 10h-12h30 and 14h-18h
CIPVV - Center for the Interpretation and Promotion of the Vinho Verde

CIPVV - Center for the Interpretation and Promotion of the Vinho Verde

Casa Torreada dos Barbosa Aranha, Rua da Fonte da Vila, 38 - 4990-062 Ponte de Lima

GPS Coordinates:
41° 46' 04,15" N - 8° 34' 58,05" W

Opening Hours:
Tuesday to Sunday: 10h-12h30 and 14h-18h
MUTE – Museum of Terceiros

MUTE – Museum of Terceiros

Avenida 5 de Outubro - 4990-028 Ponte de Lima

GPS Coordinates:
41° 45' 53,578" N | 8° 35' 14,024" W

Opening Hours:
Tuesday to Sunday: 10h-12h30 and 14h-18h
Tower Of The Old Prison

Tower Of The Old Prison

Passeio 25 de Abril - 4990-058 Ponte de Lima

GPS Coordinates:
41° 46' 2,4" N - 8° 35' 6,5" W

Opening Hours:
Every day: 9h00-12h30 and 14h00-17h30
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