Exhibition Venue

Locate in the map the exhibition venue of selected artworks

Museu dos Terceiros (Museum of Terceiros)

The Museum of Terceiros was created in 1974 aiming at keeping and exhibiting a significant property of sacred art, part of which originating from Church Matriz. It was then chosen the extinct Franciscan convent. The Convent of Santo António was established in 1481, and the construction was financed by the first Alcaide of Ponte de Lima, D. Leonel de Lima, to serve him as a burial place. During the century XVI three tumular chapels were added on the side of the gospel, having undergone improvements later. The church was changed in 1744, with moderate lines, only one aisle preceded by a porch-play and high-choir with choir-stall.

Between 1745 and 1747, the Church of the Venerable Ordem Terceira de S. Francisco was built, of longitudinal plant, only one aisle and essentially baroque decoration, the chapel flaunting a magnificent altar Rocaille of golden and polychromatic engraving, and a choir-stall ascribed to the Italian Luigi Chiari. The collection of the museum includes a significant set of religious sculpture, paintings, tiles from the century XVI to XVIII and liturgical objects.

Museu dos Terceiros (Museum of Terceiros)

Interesting the decoration of some of their spaces – the antesacristy covered with polychrome tiles of pattern, the sacristy with a lining of tiles of disconnected figure, a great chest with elevation decorated with panels allusive to franciscan saints, reliquaries and paneled and polychromed ceiling. Distinction given to a good historical archive and a curious repository of archeological traces originating from the whole municipality territory. The architectonic set is property of the Catholic Church, with whom the Municipality of Ponte de Lima signed a protocol, so as to recover the monument and make it available to the public as a museum of sacred art.


Praça da República, 4990-062 Ponte de Lima | Tuesday to Sunday: 10h-12h30 and 14h-18h | 41° 46' 2,468" N - 8° 34' 58,619" W


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